Merit Badge Counselors

Troop 870/5870 needs more merit badge counselors to help with badge advancement. You will have the opportunity to inspire Scouts within the troop and district to pursue their interests and passions, and help them develop important life skills. As a merit badge counselor, it is your opportunity to learn the ropes, the district advancement teams will schedule training throughout the year. 

How to Register

You will need to do the following to become a fully registered and approved counselor.

  1. Download and complete the Adult BSA Application form

    1. Under the “TO BE COMPLETED BY UNIT” Section enter the below: 

      1. District name: Cascade Pacific Council 492 

      2. Scouting Position Code: 42

      3. Scouting Position Title: Merit Badge Counselor

  2. Complete the Youth Protection Training (Y01)

  3. Complete the BSA Merit Badge Training

  4. Email Adult Application to the Cascade Pacific Council Registration department at

  5. Create a profile at (if you don’t have one already) and add/claim your merit badge counselor position.

    1. Request to become a mentor for specific merit badges by adding them to your profile under the “My -> Merit Badges” area