Eagle Project Checklist
1 Life Scout contacts Scoutmaster with the intent of starting to work on their Eagle Project
2 Scoutmaster helps Scout find an Eagle Counselor with availability to support the Scout
3 Scout downloads or purchases from the Scout office an Eagle Scout Leadership Project Workbook
4 EC reviews the Workbook with Scout.
5 Scout brainstorms potential projects concepts with the EC.
6 Scout selects a project concept.
7 EC approves the project concept.
8 Scout presents the project concept to the Organization Representative (OR) who will be served by the project.
9 OR approves the project concept.
10 Scout fills-in the “Project Details" section of the Workbook.
11 Scout reviews the project details with EC and OR and updates as necessary.
12 EC and OR approve the project details.
13 Scout selects a tentative project date with the help of the EC and the OR.
14 Scout creates a project presentation. - Summarizes project details and timeline. - Provides pictures of the location, drawings of what will be accomplished, etc.
15 Scout arranges with Committee Chair to meet with the Troop Committee.
16 Scout presents his Eagle Project to the Troop Committee. 17 Troop Committee approves project.
18 Committee Chair signs the Workbook signifying Troop Committee approval.
19 OR signs the Workbook indicating project approval.
20 EC signs the Workbook indicating project approval.
21 Scout arranges to meet with District Eagle Project Coordinator (DEPC) with the help of the EC.
22 Scout presents his Eagle Project to the DEPC.
23 DEPC signs Workbook indicating project approval.
24 Scout solicits donations to raise needed funds. 25 Scout promotes project to Troop, friends, etc.
26 Scouts executes the project plan.
27 OR signs Workbook indicating the project has been completed.
28 EC signs Workbook indicating the project has been completed