Welcome to Beaverton Troop 870/5870
Future Leaders of America
Scouts BSA Troop 870 is located in Beaverton, Oregon and is boy led. Troop 5870 is girl led.
We were founded in 1967 and are sponsored by the Beaverton Optimist Club.
We have about 50 active scouts.
The primary goal of Troop 870 is to provide a safe and fun environment where Scouts can develop outdoor, citizenship, and leadership skills by participating in the Scouts BSA program. Troops 870/5870 are active year round with a wide range of activities including summer camp, high-adventure, and service projects. See our Troop Calendar for more information.
The troop meets Mondays at 7:00 PM at Murray Hills Christian Church, with the exception of the first Monday of month, reserved for Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) meetings.